Contact us today: 317-843-2300

We are so excited to welcome this group after 3 days of traveling! We want to extend our sincere thank you to the host families and families who have donated money, time, and put their heart into creating this opportunity for this awesome group of kids. We hope they will enjoy their stay and their experience with host families celebrating the holidays and creating many meaningful friendships!

This upcoming week we have some fun activities planned for them and their host families. Families that would like to meet the children and join us at the events and an opportunity to get to know these children are welcome to call Inna at KidsFirst at 317-843-2300 for more information.

We would like to also extend an invitation to all previous KidsFirst families and children as well!

It is a true Holiday miracle that we all made it happen!

Thank you again, Happy and healthy holidays from all of us at KidsFirst Foundation and Services.



Katya was born in May of 2007. She is described as pretty, active, cheerful, friendly, and sociable. She is always smiling, cheerful, curious, and enjoys playing games. She loves animals.



Vladik was born in May of 2005. He is described as friendly, quiet, persistent, active, and diligent. He is a good student and is serious and responsible. He enjoys theatrical and musical events.

picture of A


A is a healthy 14-year-old boy in 6th grade who loves swimming, bike riding, roller skating, drawing, watching movies, and competing in boxing competitions. His favorite subjects in school are P.E., Music, and Biology. A’s foster family describes him as being kind, levelheaded, and quiet.

picture of V


V is a healthy 11 year old girl. She is very talented in dance and loves all kinds of arts. Her foster family says V is a naturally happy girl who forgives easily and doesn’t hold grudges. She is generous and kind, always thinking of how others might feel.

picture of O


O is a healthy 12 year old boy in the 6th grade. He loves school and is a great student. O also enjoys cooking and practicing Jiu Jitsu. His Foster family says he is very devoted to what he loves, smart with a great memory, and easy to be around. He dreams of becoming a chef and opening his own restaurant someday.

SIBLING GROUP: boy and girl

picture of I


I is a healthy 9 year old boy in the 3rd grade. His caregivers say he is kind, friendly, sociable, and active. I loves to draw, play with cars, and do puzzles. He enjoys school and particularly likes to do math, computer science, and P.E.. His favorite sports are soccer and swimming. I says he likes to eat anything but his favorites are pizza and chicken. When he grows up, he would like to be a police officer.

picture of V2


V is a healthy 14 year old girl. Her caregivers say she is smart, funny, and cheerful. V loves school and especially likes her classes in life skills, biology, and chemistry because she wants to be a Food Products Technologist someday. She loves to cook, hang out with friends, draw and pet cats. She dreams of a big family and having lots of clothes.

Siblings- brother and sister

picture of K and N

K and N

K is a healthy 11 year old boy in the 5th grade. His caregivers describe him as calm, shy, friendly, curious and inquisitive, sociable and quick to make friends everywhere he goes. K loves to build and create things. He enjoys experimenting with different projects and science. He also loves to play computer games and play soccer.

N is a healthy 10 year old girl in 5th grade. Her caregivers describe her as a very sweet, friendly little girl who likes to make her friends laugh. N likes to sing, do gymnastics, and dance and will put on little performances. She also enjoys drawing, playing sports, and trying on clothes. N is a very compassionate girl who cares strongly for others and likes to help the adults around the house and with cooking meals.